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Season of Rebirth

Season of Rebirth is a highly collaborative film which follows the paths of two women and their process of creating a poem (narrative) that describes their journey through recent hardship. The film also explores the daily spiritual practices they use which help aid them in their journey of healing and general wellbeing. Themes of self-love, holding space for others, and overcoming hardship are all woven together neatly with the underpinning event of the spring equinox. Shot over the course of two days, the film urges the viewer to grapple with these themes in the beautiful landscape of the Lake District, in north-western England.


A film by Gabriel Cowan and Tom Parker

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Full Poem

Written by Imani Chimo and Oriana Garcia

Exploring the duality of life through narrative, sound and breath this is a journey into expansion through the lens of 2 individual stories and how coincidences birth purpose.


As the sun rises in the east

On the day of the Spring Equinox feast

Nature's balance tips the scale

As light and dark begin to prevail

Winter's chill begins to fade

As new life in the earth is made

Flowers bloom and birds take flight

As the world awakens with delight

The Equinox marks a time of change

As the world shifts in a gentle range

From the darkness of the winter night

To the warmth of the sun's bright light

The season of rebirth is at hand

As the earth awakens, green and grand

The Spring Equinox brings a new start

And fills our souls with hope and heart

Let us embrace this time of renewal

And let the beauty of nature fuel

Our spirits as we journey forth

With the promise of Spring's rebirth.



There are days where I feel everything


Nothing, all at once.


There are days where I feel the universe and all her splendour cascading through me; galaxies traveling through my veins, stars beaming from my eyes; the vastness of the cosmos captivating my heart.


There are days where I feel Mother Earth breathing through me; as if her and I were one. We were the same. That I was the breath of the ocean, the greatness of the rainforest and the heat of the desert. That I was of the Earth. That I, was it all.


And then there are days, where I feel on pause. Whilst still feeling everything but now at a distance. As if everything has escaped me and I am now just an onlooker. There is an ache somewhere within a chamber of my chest; too difficult for me to locate and that’s why during these days, words fail me.


These are the days I long to be held, these are the days where I wish someone would come and gather me in their arms without me having to utter a word. But these days do not last long; because I will not have it so.


Then there are days where I feel the cloak of loneliness, the grip of heartache, shattered dreams and desperate faith pulsating through me. These days feel grey and dense; where the clouds above are full of tears that they are too frightened to release. The clouds know

that these tears are the tears that only give birth to rage; where lightning will take over the skies; and thunder; thunder will rip open hearts.

And if you listen closely enough, you will hear the winds whispering prayers of intercession.


On these grey, dense days; I know all of that which I have just described is not mine.


It’s her’s. It’s his. It’s theirs. No wait, it’s mine. Because of them, due to them, due to me?


It’s within my blood.


It’s all within my blood.

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A soul wandered lost

Through sorrow, confusion, feeling alone and tossed

Every step heavy, every breath laboured

The world around a blur, the future uncharted


The journey through sorrow was not one chosen

But thrust upon this traveller, leaving heart frozen

Tears flowed like a river, each drop a release

From the pain and despair that refused to cease


Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months

The weight of sorrow unrelenting,

In the darkness, the soul cried out in vain

Asking for help, but finding only more pain


Alone in the depths of despair, the soul cried

Asking why they were left behind, alone to abide

Through the fog of confusion, a light appeared

A hand outstretched, a gentle voice that cheered


"You are not alone," the voice softly spoke

"Though the journey is long, it is not broke

You are stronger than you know, and I am here

To walk beside you, through joy and fear"


The soul's heart lifted, as hope bloomed anew

And they took the hand of the one who knew

The path ahead was still unknown

But with a companion, they were no longer alone


The journey through sorrow was still long

But now, with a friend, they felt more strong

The weight of confusion lifted, as clarity grew

And the soul began to see the world anew


With each step, the journey became more clear

As the soul shed the weight of sorrow and fear

They learned that even in the darkest of nights

There is always a glimmer of hope and light


The journey through sorrow, feeling alone and confused

Was not an easy one, but the soul refused

To let the pain define them, or break their spirit

For they had found a friend, and they would not fear it


And so, the journey continued, with hope in sight

As the soul and their friend walked into the light

The weight of sorrow, feeling alone and confused

Was now a memory, no longer an excuse.

Converging at the Circle:



You have searched for so long. Tired of trying to make sense of it all.

Come home for a while.

Come home to where your mind is at ease, your heart has awoken, your body is relieved

and your spirit emancipated.

Come home to unity.


Where your breath is not anxious.

And your heart is not impatient.

Where fear is left behind.


Like eternity taking a rest from existence

This is where you are called into remembrance

And where you will witness your divinity.


Come home beloved

Come home

and rest a while.

The music score was created in one 3 hour recording session with Gabriel, Tom Parker, Camillo Massagli, Oriana Garcia, and Luca (ALTOSOUNDS). Everyone sat around two Line Audio CM4 Cardioid Condenser Microphones when recording. The feel you get while listening to the music is raw with light mastering involved. And due to the experimental nature of the recording session, some instruments may sound louder than others due to the positionally they had with the microphones. This gives the music score a unique sound which pairs well with the highly collaborative aspect of the overall film/filming process. 

Sound Track

Spanish Jam
00:00 / 10:25
00:00 / 10:38
Drum Beating
00:00 / 04:34
Beautiful Trumpet and Pan
00:00 / 05:10
Just Oriana
00:00 / 05:59
Double Pan
00:00 / 02:09
Clapping with Trumpet
00:00 / 08:38
Big Boom Plus Pan
00:00 / 04:53
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